
Building Code Administration

Florida law and regulations require that all new buildings constructed, and modifications to existing buildings, be reviewed and inspected for compliance with adopted building codes and standards. This requires that all University entities, conducting building construction, repair, or modifications on University-owned property, submit construction documents (drawings and/or specifications) for review. Obtain a building permit (see forms) for construction, which, after proper inspection and completion, is certified for occupancy, re-occupancy, or completion. Maintenance projects, not requiring code compliance, such as painting, flooring, equipment replacement, minor repairs, etc. are exempt from the code permitting process with permission of the Building Code Official.

Code Enforcement Services

  • Review plans and provide comments for all construction projects at each phase of design
  • Verify workers compensation insurance and required contractor licensing
  • Issue building permits
  • Perform construction progress inspections as required. Issue construction inspection reports as necessary
  • Issue the Certificate of Occupancy/Completion at project completion
  • Provide code consultation to architects, engineers, project manager and contractors as necessary
  • Provide coordination with the State Fire Marshal’s office


Florida Building Code 6th Edition (2017) went into effect January 1, 2018. The FBC 7th Edition (2021) is scheduled to go into effect January 1, 2021

Permits and Inspections

For questions about permits and inspections submit a request to